Adoption FAQs: Answers To The Most Common Concerns

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If you're thinking about adoption, you probably have a lot of questions about the adoption process in general, as well as specific questions relating to your personal needs and desires throughout the journey. While the most personal questions may require a consultation with a licensed adoption agency, there are some common questions that people ask. You can find the answers here:

How long does it take?

Time frames on adoptions vary immensely from case to case, but there are some factors that will definitely slow or quicken the process. Adoption times vary based on:

What will the cost be?

The average costs of adoptions also vary by the type of adoption you choose. Independent adoptions or adoptions through a private agency average around $34000. Foster care adoption is much less expensive, and most expenses are tax refundable or deductible, depending on your state. 

Do I have to married to adopt?

Modern adoption in all areas, including foster care adoptions, welcome parents from diverse backgrounds, including single parenthood. There are many single people who are qualified to become parents, and they can definitely apply and complete all the steps necessary. In cases where the birth mother chooses the adoptive parents, she might prefer a two-parent household, but this is based on her preferences. Some birth mothers may prefer a single parent who has a strong family support system, like parents, good friends, brothers and sisters, and plenty of nieces and nephews for playmates.

For more information, contact an adoption agency in your area. You can build the family you have always wanted through adoption. 
